Friday, March 23, 2012

IBM Unveils a New Brain Simulator

 Scientist at IBM in San Jose, California research center announced at the supercomputing conference that they have created the largest brain simulation to date on a supercomputer, made up of neurons, and synapses. IMB claims that it exceeds that of a cat's brain. Previous simulations have only reach the level of a small mouse or rat brain.  The new breakthrough will led to a better understanding of the architecture and the higher brain function's in human minds. It will lead to a better understanding of how the brain’s architecture leads to cognition, and it should inspire the design of electronics that mimic the mind. To recreate 1 billion neurons connected by 10 trillion individual synapses. C2 runs on a BlueGene/P supercomputer at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in Livermore, Calif. The program is being funded by (DARPA), which is spending at least $40 million. Launched late last year and will continue until 2015 with a goal of a prototype chip simulating 10 billion neurons connected via 1 trillion synapses.

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